Snow Removal Responsibilities as a Chicago Landlord

Despite how simple the topic may sound, there’s a lot of ambiguity surrounding what exactly landlord snow removal responsibilities are in Chicago. And if you’re a Chicago landlord, you may have found yourself challenged in finding the right answers. But don’t worry. We here at Snow Pushers are well-versed in Chicago’s snow removal laws. We know exactly what’s required from landlords. And if you’re curious in knowing what your Chicago landlord snow removal responsibilities are, then continue reading below. We’ve collected a bit of information for you to browse through so you can make deliberate choices on how to properly remove snow from your grounds.

Landlord Snow Removal Responsibilities in Chicago FAQs

Who is Responsible For Snow Removal on Chicago Sidewalks?

If you happen to be a landlord or property manager, the short answer is you.

According to Section 10-8-180 of Chicago’s Municipal Code, every “owner, lessee, tenant, occupant, or other person in charge of any building . . . abutting upon any public way or public place shall . . . remove any snow and ice from any sidewalk . . .” Generally, this section states that the responsibility of Chicago snow removal typically falls under landlords and property managers, who have a legal duty to remove the snow and ice from public sidewalks that are adjacent to the property.

How Much Snow Must I Remove & Where do I Put it?

Those who are ultimately responsible for removing snow must clear a path of at least 5 feet in width (about as wide as a crosswalk). This is so that an adequate pathway is made for those in wheelchairs. And once you begin removing the snow, you should put the snow in the parkway between the sidewalk and the street. It’s advised that you don’t ever dump your snow in the street or the entrance to an alley. It’s also advised that you don’t use the snow to bury fire hydrants either.

How Much Time do I Have to Remove the Snow?

Landlord snow removal responsibilities in Chicago demand that you must clean snow that falls between 7 a.m. until 7 p.m. by no later than 10 p.m. on that same day. If snow were to fall on your property between 7 p.m. and 7 a.m. it must be cleared 10 a.m. the next day.

When Must I Remove Snow?

Your snow removal responsibilities must be carried out every day of the week; Monday through Sunday.

What if Ice is Stuck to The Sidewalk Pavement Adjacent to My Property?

If this occurs, your landlord snow removal responsibilities in Chicago will require that you put down sand or other materials on the ice in order to mitigate slipping hazards and prevent ice accumulation. Once the weather permits it, you must clear the sidewalk immediately.

Can I be Penalized For Not Performing Required Chicago Landlord Snow Removal?

Yes. If you don’t perform your snow removal responsibilities in Chicago, you can receive a citation for failure to shovel. The fine you receive can range from $50 to $500 and it’s determined by an Administrative Hearings judge.

Fulfill Your Chicago Landlord Snow Removal Responsibilities By Hiring Snow Pushers Today!

If you find yourself challenged in performing the necessary snow removal, don’t hesitate at all in contacting Snow Pushers. Snow Pushers has been recognized as the premier snow removal service of choice for over 15 years. When you call to choose us, we feel more than certain that you’ll benefit from our services tremendously as you’re added to our growing list of satisfied customers. For any inquiries, you may call us at 773.299.9203 or visit our contact page.